Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another travel day

Today we are leaving behind Disneyland, the Happiest Place On Earth. I suspect they are so happy because they can charge five bucks for a lollipop...

We had a great time at Disney. We accomplished the Primary Objective--the boys met Mickey Mouse. We accomplished the Secondary Objective--the boys rode all of the best rides. And we accomplished the Tertiary Objective--I found myself an authentic Indiana Jones fedora.

Today we slept in late--7:00 am--and got ready at a leisurely pace. Poppi and I have down to an unexact science the deployment of this forty-foot vessel, up until the point that something goes wrong, usually something new that we have never had to deal with before. We were ready to disembark today in only a couple of hours. The boys did not seem too sad to leave Disneyland behind, but the adults agree that Jack and Owen will have to return sometime later in their youth when they'll have clearer memories of the experience. Jack slept through the Nemo submarine ride after all...

We are driving out of Los Angeles, currently, finding the traffic (and environmental pollutants) less abundant. We did not get to see much of L.A. proper, but from what I could tell they have many freeways.

We are now on our way to our penultimate destination,


Jacob said...

Make sure you wear that hat to the office on Monday.

Unknown said...

And bring the Mickey Mouse ears for me!

whoop_aggie said...

I am really enjoying your vacation!! It looks like ya'll are having a great time. Good job not killing each other off by this point. I think I would have my mother in a strangle hold by this point!